Thursday, March 28, 2013

How people avoid God

I keep seeing people offer encouragement in the form of "positive thoughts" or "vibes."

So let me get this straight: you don't believe in a God who hears and answers prayer, but you believe that there are some sort of cosmic rays that the brain sends out that affect people's circumstances, and that it's helpful to "think good thoughts" to make sure the energy aligns in such a way as to produce the desired outcome?

(I''d bet that atheists would be as disdainful of this as of belief in God.)

Maybe this hunger to believe we have more power than we do is more universal than we acknowledge, and this is what Pascal meant when he alluded to what we now refer to as a "God-shaped hole in the human soul."  Maybe it's just an acknowledgement of our utter inability to control things beyond us. But it seems to me that many of us, and this includes many Christian believers, want to have some sort of supernatural influence on things beyond us without having anyone tell us what is best for us.

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