Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Holy Week

A post previously written but not posted:

The Lenten season has provided so many opportunities for growth. It's amazing to me that, no matter how long we walk with the Lord, there are always so many new and challenging and exciting things to learn about our wonderful, loving God, who continually calls us deeper.

Sunday evening after getting home from our party following our final Way of the Cross for this Lenten season, I sat down to pray the Office of Readings for the day. I don't know if it's that Palm Sunday is typically so busy that I haven't had time to pray this "hour" previously, or if it just struck me afresh this time. But the idea from St. Andrew of Crete that so struck me was this image of should running enthusiastically to meet Jesus on his entry into Jerusalem. Instead of laying down palm branches or garments along his way, St. Andrew suggests that we should lay down our very selves in supporting Christ. This is only way I can now smooth the way for Christ's triumphal entry into the lives of those who do not yet have personal experience of his unfathomable love and glory.

I find that I get so wrapped up in aspects of my life to which I'm too attached, which I don't want to give up. My Lenten journey always reveals this to me in some way.