Thursday, June 28, 2018

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

How I feel about my life right now . . .

. . . is a sin.

Today's word

bedizen /bih-DYE-zun/ - to dress or adorn gaudily
Pretty sure I was familiar with this one already. Wish I could remember whence.
Also, this may be the first time I've used whence without a redundant "from."

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

A joyful reunion

Dear friends came to town yesterday whom we probably hadn't seen in fifteen years. We'd had two of their sons over in the intervening years, but we had missed them so very much. They arrived yesterday to visit their son, who it turns out had a commitment last night. This impromptu dinner gathering was a time of great celebration of God's gifts in our lives. We celebrated where we have been together and what the Lord has been doing in our lives of late.

Thank you, God, for these wonderful people!

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Too much time and energy . . .

. . . spent last night, when I should have been sleeping, longing for a time which I'd be better off repenting. 

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Today's words

defenestration /dee-'fen-uh-STRAY-shun/ - 1. a throwing of a person or thing out of a window  2. a usually swift dismissal or expulsion (as from a political party or office)
Okay, this is not a new word for me. I have encountered it numerous times, and was surprised when a search of my blog posts indicated I've never written about it before. I remember the first time I encountered it, in an article marveling that there should be a verb for this specific action (1). The thing is, every time I've run across it since then, except in the rare cases where I've seen it in context, my mind insists on first interpreting it as a synonym for "evisceration."
And if yours now starts doing that, too . . . well . . . you're welcome?
recherché /rə-ˌsher-ˈshā , -ˈsher-ˌshā/ - 1a. exquisite, choice  b.exotic, rare  2. excessively refined : affected  3. pretentious, overblown
Context will be very important for ascertaining the meaning of this one when encountered "in the wild."

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Today's word

mantic /MAN-tik/ - of or relating to the faculty of divination : prophetic
yay. a new word.

Sunday, June 10, 2018


at least i got to spend it with my wife.

only because she was sick.

i got one card.

at least there were a lot of Facebook greetings.

Thursday, June 07, 2018

Ok. It's time . . .

. . . for me to get my head back where it belongs again.
and off of fantasizing about being bisexual.

Monday, June 04, 2018

Today's word

midden /ˈmi-dᵊn/ - 1. dunghill  2a. a refuse heap; especially : kitchen midden b. a small pile (as of seeds, bones, or leaves) gathered by a rodent (such as a pack rat)
This was a new one on me, courtesy of the Dictionary Devil puzzle.

Friday, June 01, 2018

Today's words

mise-en-scène /'meez-'ahn-SEN/ - 1a. the arrangement of actors and scenery on a stage for a theatrical production  b. stage setting  2a. the physical setting of an action (as of a narrative or a motion picture) : context  b. environment, milieu
Kind of had a feeling that there should be a sub-emphasis on the first syllable. But the standard entry indicated that there are actually sub-emphases on the first two syllables which were not shown in the WOTD-style pronunciation, so I've added them above (but still omitted the alternate pronunciation).

arrogate /AIR-uh-gayt / -  1a. to claim or seize without justification b. to make undue claims to having : assume  2. to claim on behalf of another : ascribe
And I was pretty sure when I saw this word that it would have some relationship to "arrogant," but wasn't sure exactly how. Sure 'nuff.