Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Even an inadequate one feels good

There is something reassuring about being offered a job, even one with a compensation package significantly lower than that of my last position. It feels good to have made such an impression upon a potential employer that they called me back with an offer the same day. It really isn't adequate for our needs, though, let alone our goals. Still, it could be worth taking for the rest of the year, if nothing else develops very quickly here.

We'll see . . .

Monday, September 28, 2015

Today's word

vilipend \VIL-uh-pend\ - 1. to hold or treat as of little worth or account : contemn  2. to express a low opinion of : disparage
What a great new word, and one to which I fear I am entirely too prone, in its first sense. I think that the most important part of Pope Francis' messages to us involve being on guard against this tendency.

Some days . . .

. . . I should just stay away from the comments on Carolyn Hax's posts.

Today was one of those days.

Every autumn is the same

And I hate it.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Easier renouncing in my dreams

Just before waking, I dreamed an impure dream. It was not with anyone I know, but my wife was watching, encouraging even, as I  reveled in an activity that has only been a fantasy. In the midst of my dream, as my bride began an act for which I have begged her, I rejected the dream activity as not being God's will for me. In essence, I broke away from the dream.

I am having a harder time doing the same thing upon waking.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

The role of self-identification

Simply identifying myself first as a follower of Jesus Christ is not the end of spiritual battle. It turns out that there are many other ways that we self-identify that also play a key role in our spiritual life, too. When we accept as unchangeable aspects of ourselves things that God would have us shed - a tendency to superiority, desires that are not God's revealed will for us, unbridled anger - we give them a power over us that interferes with the transformation that should be ours in Christ Jesus. 

When we have done this, turning loose of them can require more than just deciding otherwise. We will likely need to renounce the lie that has warped us, and any spiritual influence that has taken root in our lives as the result of it. 

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Monday, September 14, 2015

Today's word

neoteric \nee-uh-TAIR-ik\ - recent in origin : modern
I was pretty sure what this new word meant. First new WOTD in a month.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Losing one's perspective

I suppose that when you are convinced that you know for yourself what is just and right and good, and nobody is going to tell you any different - certainly not the Bible or Church - eventually you can reach a point at which you blame a 10-year-old for the trouble you get in when you leave her in charge of five younger children (8, 6, 4, 3 and 2; all sleeping, but still) late at night (10:30) and she calls her dad about it. I guess you can conclude that your problem is that she set you up and you can decide that she needs to be punished for it.

I am at a complete loss. This situation is hopeless unless God does something about it.

Thursday, September 03, 2015

Wednesday, September 02, 2015


We always give thanks to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ when we pray for you, for we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and the love that you have for all the holy ones because of the hope reserved for you in heaven. Of this you have already heard through the word of truth, the Gospel, that has come to you. Just as in the whole world it is bearing fruit and growing, so also among you, from the day you heard it and came to know the grace of God in truth - Col 1, 3-6

As I revisit these words from this morning's liturgy, I find myself thinking of my many friends who are faithful followers of Christ Jesus, who are clearly giving growth to the kingdom of God by how they live their lives, and who serve as examples for me. Their faith encourages my strength against the temptations in my own life, helps me to renounce my sin and the influences that come with it, to instead walk in grace so as perhaps to bear fruit for those around me to see, as well.

Not using the "b" word

Three of my previous five posts have used the word "busy" in the title - the last one three times. This one uses it in the first sentence, but only to observe this reality of my life of late, not to lament it. So while I have been very b-word, and I will be again this afternoon, I have a short break in the action, and I'm going to use it for a bit of time with the One who loves me most, lest my b-word-ness lead me to unhealthy places. I've started the last two mornings with Mass, but won't have the luxury for the next couple of days.

Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Busy busy busy

I have been gearing up the job transition activities, which hasn't left me nearly enough time for blogging, but that's just a sign that I have my priorities in order. We'll see where all of that leads.

Meanwhile, I have come to realize a couple things:
  • The last person in the world to whom I should complain about reminders of my sister is the person for whom that would be a reminder of her two sisters. She deserves better than my intrusion on her busy life with that emotional wrecking ball.
  • Our marriage encounter circle is a real gift to us. We may not have met for months, but it was very nice getting together on Saturday. I'm glad we were able to make that happen.
  • I am blessed with wonderful friends who will do anything they can to help me. 
  • My wife is a gift beyond telling. (Even if she's also a frustration sometimes. After all: who isn't?)