Monday, March 12, 2012

The one speaking to you

In answer to the query by the Samaritan woman at Jacob's well, Jesus replies, "I am he; the one speaking to you."  I've always taken this as a simple matter of identification, but am finding myself considering a slightly different meaning to the latter phrase of his response.  After this she goes off and tells her neighbors about him. Was this due to the entire conversation?  I suspect so, but perhaps there was something about his assertion that also causes her to respond in this way.

Having reflected yesterday on this encounter, it is clear that there were strong reasons for this woman to be impressed by the time and interaction that Jesus invested in her, even before he stayed with them for two additional days.  If she was indeed at the well at noon because she was shunned by her neighbors, then perhaps "the one speaking to you" is more than a statement of identifying himself further, a simple follow-up to "I am he."  Perhaps Jesus was saying something like, "See how I am unlike the others in your life.  I know the truth about you, but I do not disdain you as they do.  Rather, I choose to interact with and to value you even though you are an outcast among outcasts.  See how I am unlike the other Jews whom your people have known.  This is the evidence I offer you in support of my assertion that I am the Messiah."  The promised anointed one was to unite the kingdom, so Samaritans would expect to be included.

Maybe the gist of Jesus' response was, "See, by my willingness to engage with you that I am here for all of our people."

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