Thursday, April 26, 2012

A nice day

Nice progress on things at work yesterday, and a break from what has been some frantic activity for a couple days to let me focus on other parts of my job.

Dinner at the home of good friends as Teri prepared to babysit so they could go to a concert on a rare night out together (really wish I could do this for my friends who live out of town!).

A short choir rehearsal, with an interesting new arrangement of an old piece (Wade in the Water) - so fun that I don't even mind (much) that there's no guitar part - and concluding with me signing up to cant at mass this weekend for the first time in, I dunno, maybe years!

A chat with Hannah on the computer.  Hard to believe the girl can communicate so well by keyboard when she's only 6.

My first Mythbusters episode of the new season (Duct Tape Island, and it was about time!).

Another Orioles win I didn't expect (and didn't see).  (Though it is sad that they've gotten to the point over the last 15 years that our expectations are so low.  Still, it's early in the season, and hope remains seductive even as perennial disappointment has hardened us.)

An exhilarating Capitals win in game 7 on the road in OT, which I didn't expect and did see (well, the last 23 minutes of, at least!).

A peaceful and thankful sense, in the midst of these latter 3, that while it was nice for a rare evening to be able to view what I wanted - or to not have to be antisocial to do it, at least, which is a choice I don't like to make - I wouldn't want to live so independently for an extended time.

Teri getting her flight booked to visit our sweet young grandchildren - even if I am disappointed that I can't go, too, especially as it now looks as if they're not going to be able to come here before they go to Hawaii.

(Lord, if I could ask one blessing for today: please let there be more time and conversation with people I love!)

(As I read back over this, there seem to be a lot of negative even among some of the good things.  Am I not fully appreciating the blessings, or am I just being honest about the fact that, while there were many gifts, life isn't perfect?  Must keep an eye on this.)

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