Tuesday, June 12, 2012

echo, Echo, ECho, ECHo, ECHO

So far, if you want to know what my late teens were like, just follow the headlines for the Sandusky trial.  Showers together.  "Bribes."

Then there are the details in the articles:  Trips to strange "exotic" towns where pressure is less easily resisted.  The whole "nurturing" relationship developed during the grooming stages, sustained through the abuse.  The surrogate-father element.  Putting up with the sexual abuse because of not wanting to lose the benefits of the relationship: this guy has taken me under his wing, taken an interest in me, lets me do fun stuff and go interesting places!  (For me it was also my job, motorcycles, etc.  The "putting up with it" makes me sickest, even though I know in my head that I was manipulated into that part of it, too.)  That was just in the first day's testimony.

The whole thing ties my stomach in knots from its familiarity.  I'm not going to read any more of them, but it isn't enough to avoid the articles.  I just want to crawl into a closet, curl into a ball, and hide until the whole damned trial is over.

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