Friday, January 17, 2014

Today's words

orchidaceous \ˌôr-kə-'dā-shəs\ - 1. of, relating to, or resembling the orchids 2. showy, ostentatious
This was linked as a synonym for today's WOTD, which was the last word of the definition above. It turns out that the link to this synonymous word was more interesting to me than the rest of the Did You Know? write-up. I was already familiar with the subtle differences between the words it discussed, but had never heard of this other one. Had I seen it standing alone I might have guessed at the first meaning, but would have needed quite a bit of context to get the second one.
atticism (often capitalized) \ˈa-tə-ˌsi-zəm\ - 1. a witty or well-turned phrase  2.  a characteristic feature of Attic Greek occurring in another language or dialect
This word from today's Dictionary Devil puzzle was a new one for me, and even given the second definition, my knowledge of ancient Greece was insufficient to connect the etymological stepping stones to this word. The first sentence of this Wikipedia write-up resolved that confusion.

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