Sunday, January 26, 2014

Fishers of men

Sorry, we cannot help you. 
We have no time for journeys. 
We are fishermen!
Journeys are just for dreamers, 
and dreamers do not catch fish, 
they just catch trouble, friend, 
and meet an ugly end! - Marty Haugen, The Song of Mark

I was a little disappointed that the call of the disciples was ignored today in lieu of discussing the kingdom of heaven. But not much. I'd think you could talk about both, right?

Zebulun and Naphtali . . . the people who walked in darkness have seen a great light. Fishermen, toiling daily for their sustenance, might not have considered whether they should ever hope for a greater plan. We tend to consider labor as drudgery rather than a gift from God to us; when it is the latter, whatever darkness might otherwise mark our daily efforts (in our seemingly distant outposts) is dispersed by the light of the greater purpose which calls us to them. Then we find that the kingdom of heaven is indeed at hand for us.

This is true for us even when our greatest labor is to live as we are called.

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