Monday, September 05, 2016

Not fair, part deux

So for some reason my bride decided last night that a game of 500 rummy would be a better choice than Farkle (a dice game). We used to play this when we were dating, and I almost always won. Last night was a repeat of those days. The thing about rummy that's different from Farkle: the latter really is mostly a game of chance, but rummy has strategies that can be applied to every hand, and if only one player understands how they interplay then that person is likely to win the majority of the time. I almost doubled her up last night, even though her cards weren't significantly worse than mine.

Tonight we switched back to Farkle, and she absolutely kicked my tail. Well, that's not very accurate: she won all three games we played, which were each fairly close until the end. In each case, she ended up scoring thousands of points in a single turn near the end of the game to either overtake me or to leave me in the dust. But that's the nature of the game, and I'd far prefer to play something like this with her, at which we are on more even ground.

Does that make me a stuck-up jackass, or does it just mean that after four plus decades of being in a relationship together - and 35 years of marriage - I've learned to respect our respective strengths and weaknesses, at least in this area?

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