Wednesday, February 08, 2017

Yesterday was a good day . . .

. . . , and I have not given sufficient thanks for it. I suppose that might have been, in part, because it didn't start off how I wanted it to. I get two opportunities a month to swim, and I missed one mostly because of poor sleep the night before due to repeated cramping in my feet, likely brought on by my run on Sunday. Since they tend to cramp when I swim, that made the activity seem like as bad an idea as getting up at 5 a.m. did.

Part of why that seemed like an especially bad idea yesterday was the activity that was on tap at work. With ten proposals due this morning by 6 a.m., I knew we'd be busy polishing up some last minute items throughout the day. Indeed, we were. Still, it was my shortest work night since last Thursday, including the weekend, and I'm pleased with our overall efforts while recognizing there are some things we could have done better.

Was worried that the evening might still go south. Got a text from mrs. tg with news of a fountain under the kitchen sink. Turned out to just be a loose fitting.

Then I was able to attend prayer group last night, which always ends up being a blessing.

Thank you, Lord, for your care and Providence.

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