Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Principles of authority, part ii

The remaining three principles of authority from this chapter of Abba's Heart (last book at link, at time of posting); I may end up sharing more quotations from them later, but wanted to at least list them:

Authority grows with responsibility. There is a potential flip side, as well: the responsibility entrusted to us will not grow as long as we act outside of the Father's authority.

Authority is exercised through faith and by the words we speak. Personally, I would flip the "by" and "through" in that sentence, but the idea is sound. At the root of our exercise of the authority which Christ has restored to us is our underlying faith in the Father's love for us, and while we must also put it into action, our words are an expression of that authority.

The name of Jesus carries power. The reason for this is partially one of pure semantics: by "name" we mean "authority." "Stop, in the name of the law!" (or "the king!" or even "of love!"?) But the Father's authority flows to us only through out place in His Son, in whom alone we become adoptive sons and daughters of the King. This is why we are called to do everything in the name of Jesus.

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