Monday, July 05, 2010


I suppose one must be more careful where one seeks evidence for God.

I've been telling everyone I know how my prayers for my "godson" were finally answered.  It isn't that I've based my faith on that, but I've certainly invested a degree of my recent testimony to God's love and faithfulness in it.  In the grand scheme of things I don't really mind appearing gullible or foolish so much as I do the hurt in my daughter's heart.  I'm really glad I never spoke in front of her so much my belief that Jason's return to our life was an example of God's handiwork.  And I sincerely hope this setback doesn't undermine her own faith.

I'm also really sad for my son-in-law's remaining brokenness.

Oh, and then I find that I must consider this question: if others turn out to not be really transformed, am I?  Fortunately I can see that the chief difference is that I've never viewed my recovery as an example of miraculous/divine intervention in my life.  I worked hard to make the changes that I needed to.  As long as I remember that that work is never over and done with, that I always need to remain vigilant, I will still be okay.


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