. . . there can be conflict between accepting who we are and becoming who God is calling us to be.
Come to think of it, I'd venture to say that it's way closer to "always" than merely "sometimes."
For instance - and this is only one example that I happen to have encountered recently that happens to be relevant to me - there's a lot of scientific discussion to be had yet on the degree to which gay, lesbian, bi, and trans people are "just born this way." And I don't believe that God makes mistakes in assigning our physical and emotional, and even spiritual, sexuality.
But even if it turns out that some people are, there's no question that one way we're all "born this way" is that we're all touched with sin.
There has to be a way to balance how we are by nature with our call to holiness that doesn't reject the idea that living God's revealed plan for our sexuality is a key component of the holy lives to which we are called. I accept people however they are, but I don't believe any of us are called to remain as we are, no matter how far along the path to holiness we may be.
As a person who definitely tends to think of himself in terms of one of the categories in the third paragraph, it is dangerous for me to fall into the trap that I should just embrace being a can of carrots when my outside label says peas. I am called to holiness, and to lay down my life for my bride; to embrace being any one of those categories instead of simply being the holy husband I am called to be interferes with God's plan for my life.
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