Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Contented **sigh**

Wow. Every last little detail around the house didn't get taken care of, but that was ok. Everybody we expected didn't come (including one who absolutely should have come, though we really didn't expect her to), but that was ok. A couple folks were bent out of shape by the kids having such an unabashedly good time, but that was ok. We spent too much money, but that was ok.

We threw a wedding (well, technically a convalidation ceremony) on Saturday for our youngest and her husband. Before that, since we would have a bunch of extra family staying at the house, there were numerous projects that we wanted to take care of, including repairing and painting ceilings, painting the guest room, stripping off old wallpaper remnants, reorganizing the kitchen, general cleaning up, and that was before the mrs. pulled up the carpet and underlying linoleum in the entry, adding a porch and entry tiling project to my already full agenda of the past several weeks. We didn't finish all the details (well, mainly two trim pieces in the entry), but got a ton of things done. Then there was all the usual stuff associated with a wedding, which we probably could have gotten away with not doing all-out, but it we really wanted to convey how important we thought it was.

Everyone seemed to have a good time. There were several unique and wonderful elements that set the ceremony and the reception apart from the ordinary. Oldest daughter has probably burned her bridges with youngest, and God only knows why she didn't attend, but at least she sent her kids, and we had a fine time with them.

Now to avoid a post-event letdown. Oh, and get back on my bike!


  1. good times, huh?

    your bike ride sounds like a lot of fun.

  2. Yes, very nice times. And yes, the bike ride was a blast, too. Someday, if I ever get around to my California century (I'd like to eventually do a 100-mile ride in every state; 3 down, 47 to go), I want to do one of the rides that include Highway 1.
